Monday, July 7, 2008

Super interessante

"As a 35-year-old, middle-class, Black lesbian feminist, and a member of an interracial couple, I run the gamut between many worlds. I have experienced external racism, classism, sexism and homophobia, but I've found that oppression hurts a lot more when it comes from "one of your own."

I came out to myself when I was 11 years old. It was 1976, just two years after the American Psychiatric Association struck homosexuality off its list of mental disorders. People just didn't talk about homosexuality then. Unfortunately, in the Black community, we still don't.

So many of us who grew up in the Black community never hearing the term "homosexual" applied to us believed that it had to be a white thing and if we were to embrace homosexuality it would mean that we were truly crazy for adopting "the white man's sickness" from our oppressors.

One of the reasons Black lesbians and gays are ignored or discounted is that our presence threatens the Black family model, which is still rooted in the Black matriarchy myth.
As a woman-identified Black woman who doesn't depend on men for my self-definition, I am amazed by how my Black sisters who are invested in relationships with abusive Black men and Black men who openly cheat on them will "dis" and reject their lesbian sisters, yet defend their man and his infidelity in order to say, "At least I got a man!"

Audre Lorde, in Sister Outsider

Obs: este texto é uma excelente anotação que se adapta à realidade angolana, ou devo dizer, ao tabu angolano no que toca a este tema?

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